Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Forever young

This weekend is 4th of July weekend! Yay!
I don't have any plans, although I'm sure something will come up.

I have been such a closed off person for most of my life. And a lot why I haven't who I am is because I bury so much deep down inside and never let anyone, including myself, dig it up. And some things have been buried so deep, for so long, that I've forgotten they were ever even a part of me in the first place. That is what makes me both desirable, and undesirable. It makes me seem interesting at first, but then just gets annoying after a while. I don't want to hide things. I want to find someone I'm able to share all of me with. I don't play games, so I don't want my insecurities to seem as though I'm doing so. I don't even know how to being the game.

 I want someone to love me for me, and not expect to be able to change me, like people before have assumed they could. I am me, and I will never change for anyone but myself. I want someone who makes me want to be a better version of me. I want someone who doesn't care what hair color I have, or that I carry a few extra pounds on my hips, but that I have a genuine heart and I'm serious about my profession. I want someone who won't see all of my flaws as flaws, but as quirks that make me, me. I want someone who shares common views as me, but is different enough to keep our relationship alive and interesting. I want someone with a crooked tooth and a bunch of scars. Someone REAL. I want kids, and a family. I want a lifetime of happiness with someone who is willing to let me in, and make them happy. I want to provide for someone, and take care of them. I want a wedding, and a commitment. I've just been to scared to admit I want all of these things with one person because I'm so afraid of commiting to someone who's going to let me dream all of this up, and plan our lives together, let me get my hopes up just to let me down.
I'm so glad I'm able to figure myself out and what I want and need and still be so young.

But until my prince(ss) charming comes riding in on their white horse....

I'm content with my little family I already have. My little girl, and my happy non-husband-might-as-well-be-except-we're-both-gay-but-do-everything-a-married-couple-does-except-be-intimate-room-mate.

Have I mentioned how awesome my room mate is? He's incredible. He is the GREATEST thing that came out of my last relationship. He was good friends, and a former room mate of my x-gf. He's another reason why I'm SUCH a firm believer in the phrase
"Everything happens for a reason"

He is literally the greatest room mate EVER! I feel like a slacker next to him most of the time. I've just been in a rut lately, which isn't an excuse... But he cooks, and cleans, sometimes he makes me lunch, he takes care of my dog... he's amazing. I couldn't have been blessed with a better room mate and friend.

My life is back on track and I have everything under control.

I got my hair cut this morning by the top stylist in my salon. It looks incredible. My color is pretty awesome too. It could use a little more... but i'm going to give it a rest and work on it more later. But I'm VERY blonde and I'm very happy. So that's one thing I can check off of my list! And I will have accomplished my 30lbs down by August 1st. 19 down, 11 more to go :)

It always rains the hardest on the people who deserve the sun.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Assh Version 2.0

Officially 18 lbs down, 30 more to go!!!!
And my hair is back to blonde!!!!!!!!
I feel so AWESOME!

I'm getting all of the dead ends cut off later today. I couldn't feel better about myself right now. Well... I know I will after I shed these extra 30 lbs!!!!!!!!

Hard work really pays off :)

Short post for now.... I'll add more later.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

If people are trying to bring you down, that only means you are above them.

So, i'm down 14 lbs. I keep rounding up to 20 just because it sounds better... but really it's only 14. Haha. I feel like it's so much more though. It's crazy how your weight starts to shift though.... I carry most of my weight in my hips. I have a "tire" around my waist. It's awful. But my weight has shifted from my hips and tummy into other areas. And I haven't lost much weight in my boobs yet THANK GOD. I love my boobs. I don't want to lose them. They're the perfect size lol. And it'll probably start to happen once I incorportate excersize into this routine. I have yet to step into the gym. But tomorrow, I'm going to yoga with my room mate. I'm super excited. I've done Bikram Yoga before, which is yoga in a sauna. It's pretty awesome. I hope this yoga is as invigorating!

I need a tan to go with this new summer bod. Well... it's not gonna be new until the end of summer, haha. I'm going to work hard at this. I'm so dedicated. Speaking of summer...
One of my favorite parts of summer are those popsicles. I was in the break room at my salon today and opened the freezer, and there was a fancy version of those popsicles in there. I don't know where they came from... but it took a lot of will power not to eat one!!!! I mean... not because of calories or anything. I just didn't know whose they were. Man, all the talk of this food is making me hungry. I just went grocery shopping to get a few things and ended up spending $103 :(

This post is going to be short so I'll fill it with pics and quotes instead because that's what I feel like doing :)

Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

You are the most interesting person you'll ever meet.

We live the life of an unfinished novel still waiting to be written. depending on how long we live, the longer the chapters. depending on how interesting we are, the more we appeal to others. we’re often judged by our covers. sometimes, some people decide to just quit reading us. we’re just forgotten until someone finds us. our characters can develop throughout the novel, but our chapters can never be edited. This novel I'm living just keeps getting better and better every day. I'm going through such a rough patch, but I can't wait to look back on this in 10 years and really appreciate this for what it is. I am learning so much about myself and others. Thank you God or whatever higher power, if any, that is out there that is guiding me through this. I have never appreciated my life so much.
I'm arrogant, yet humbled. I'm selfish more than I am selfless. I am goofy too often and it's mistaken for immaturity. I am grounded, but ready to fly. I have so many insecurities, but I put up such strong walls that you would never know unless you're reading this, or trying to get to know me. I've known that I'm someone you need, and that you wouldn't know it until you get close to me or lose me, but I'm learning more and more about WHY I am that person each and every day.

You've got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love with what you've got and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regret.

I want solidity. I want a bright future. I want to create that for myself. I want to be passionate about everything I do. I want to make mistakes and I want to learn from them.
I don't ever want to feel this kind of heart break again.


I know it's only been a month... but this is so awful. I don't want to be with anyone but her. I miss her SO much. I know I just have to let go and do me... but man. I see her in everything, in everyone, in all that I do. I just want our life back We were so solid together, and it took 1 week for everything to fall apart. I wish I could pick up the pieces and put them back together. Maybe one day they'll all fall into place. I'll just keep telling myself that it's okay until I finally start to believe it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting their battle too.

"The real secret of success is enthusiasm" -Walter Chrysler

I'm back from my vacation. I've been back almost a week, actually. But I haven't had time to update because I've been working non-stop and I've been working hard on moving all of my ex's things out of my apartment. But I got a new/used laptop today so I'll be able to update often now :)

I miss Seattle SO MUCH already. Every day I was there, I woke up feeling like "This is a good day to be alive". Since I've been back in Houston, I wake up feeling like "Do I really have to walk outside and face the scalding heat and 100% humidity just to make it to my car and wait for it to cool down for 20 minutes and then go to work to burn up in my salon for the next 8 hours?"

How negative of me.

"We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world"

My newest long term goal for the next 2 years is to save up enough money to move to Seattle.
My newest short term goals are as follows-
 -Lose 30 lbs by August 1st.
 -Buy a 48in Flat Screen TV
 -Have my hair the way I want it by Mid-July (Blonde and LONGER!)
 -Be 50% more positive in my every day endevours.

There are more, but that's all I can think of.

Tomorrow, my ex comes home from Seattle. She's coming to get her dog, and most of her belongings. She's leaving her furniture here until the end of Summer, which is okay with me because we don't really have much =/
We have a couch, a tv stand, and an end table.
We need a coffee table, and a TV.
She's taking her TV, her surround sound, her entertainment center, her couches, and her coffee table. Blah. My apartment is so pretty right now....

I hate having to start over.
BUT.... everything happens for a reason. It's nothing but a learning experience.

I believe in karma, what you give is what you get returned. I believe you can’t appreciate real love until you’ve been burned. I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side. I believe you don’t know what you've got until you say goodbye.

I'm done being a debbie downer and complaining about my failed relationship.
From this point on, I'm starting my journey to happiness.

I will be a happier person, because only I can make myself truly happy.
And I will!
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Delicious Ambiguity

Most times we’re so focused on what we think we want that we can’t appreciate how happy we already are. It’s only when we forget about our problems and help others forget theirs that we realize how good we really have it.

I can't believe how fast this vacation has gone by. In less than 2 days, I will be on a plane back to Houston to face reality. It's weird because I feel like this is my reality. I feel like I belong here in Seattle. Like this is my home.

But then I remember I have to go back to Houston, to the apartment I just signed a lease on and pack up my x-girlfriends shit and start over.

I'd rather start over in Seattle

It turns out, you can't save people from themselves

I'm sitting on the couch watching Remember Me with my two best friends. They're so good to me. They've helped me forget about my small petty problems and realize I am so happy. I have fantastic friends, a beautiful home, an incredible job, a loving family. What more could I ask for? Just because I'm going through an awful break up doesn't mean I get a free pass to be self loathing and depressed for a couple of weeks. It means I need to reap the lessons, learn from my mistakes, and put them to use in every day life from now on. It means I need to change. 
I have been self indulgent.
I have been harsh.
I don't have much tact.
I am completely selfish.
I tend to be self loathing.

I have a lot of bad qualities, but to become a better person, I need to start making a few small changes. 
To be a happier person, I need to change.

So as soon as I get back to reality, I am going to begin this journey. I want to be as close to 100% happy with me from now on as I can get. 

I am determined. I will be happy with me. I am generally happy with me now, but I am not the best me I could be. I have more potential. You can't expect to find the right someone UNTIL you know who you are, what matters to you, and what makes your heart happy

The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.


I know I'm full of insecurities and disappointments, but I promise you there's a part of me worth keeping.

Friday, June 10, 2011

There's never a dull moment in the life of Assh....

It's 6am, pacific time. I'm currently in Seattle, WA visiting my best friend Heather. The sun is starting to rise, and the birds have been chirping for the last hour and a half. This city is gorgeous. I can't wait to live here.

I planned this vacation with my x-girlfriend. We were supposed to come up here together and spend time with my best friend, Heather, and her "family" (close friends of family, so close she considers them family), and my other best friend Mario was to join us as well.

We broke up about 3 weeks ago and my life has been a fucking wreck ever since.

We were together about 8 months. We moved way too fast. We did all the typical, stereotypical lesbian shit that I said I'd never do. Fell in love way too fast. Moved in together way too soon. Adopted a couple dogs. Started a little family. We moved way too fast.
And now here I am. Single and miserable.
But I'm not going to throw a pity party for myself. I know life goes on. 
It has for her anyway. Apparently she's met her soul mate.
We'll see how long that lasts.

Don't get me wrong, she's a great person. One of the most incredible people I have ever met. And I begged for her to take me back. But, I fucked up. Big time. I broke up with her because I was unhappy and wanted to prove a point in how unhappy I really was. And as soon as I did, she walked away without looking back. Straight into someone else's arms.

I'm a very closed off person. I always have been. Which is why it's really a huge thing for me to keep a blog. Of course I won't post all the juicy details of my life here. But to open myself up to the world... that's scary. I don't like to make myself vulnerable to anyone. Ever. That is why my heart is so shattered right now. I almost opened myself up completely to her. I really thought she was the one. But I've felt this feeling once before, and it's awful. It feels like your chest is caving in and your heart is being lacerated from your chest. All the while your stomach is being wrung out like a wet wash cloth, and you feel your heart begin to slowly become mangled and defiled. And now all I have left is this jagged, mushy, mangled mess that won't fit back into my chest because I haven't figured out how to put all the pieces back together.

But I will.

I'm not a self pitying person. Shit happens. You've just gotta roll with the punches. I've got the breath knocked out of me a few too many times in the last month, but I'm still rolling....

My vacation is over on Monday. I leave Seattle around 6pm and arrive in Houston around Midnight. I'm actually ready to go home. I miss my puppies. 

Nalah is mine.
Heidi is Carlee's

They're the sweetest little girls ever. If it weren't for them, and the lease I just signed on my apartment, I would never leave Seattle. 

Oh yeah, and my job. I love my job. I'm a hair stylist at one of the number one day spas in Houston. It's amazing. I have great co-workers, and great clients. It's a great work environment. And I absolutely LOVE what I do, so I guess that helps a lot ;p

I'll conclude this post with some pictures from my adventures here in Seattle. It's been awesome. I can't wait to live here!!!!