Monday, August 15, 2011

When all the stars in the sky shine bright....

I'm watching Whip it, and it's the scene where Bliss and her boyfriend broke into that pool and jump in with all of their clothes on. There's only one person in the entire world that I would want to do outrageous things like that with, and I just spent the entire weekend with her.

I haven't seen her in about 5 years. And this weekend was definitely the second best weekend in my whole entire life.

The first best weekend in my whole entire life was the weekend I met her.

Have you ever met someone who makes your heart race just by touching their hand to your face? Someone who makes you feel complete just by wrapping their arms around you? Someone who you could listen talk to for hours, and hours, and HOURS just because you want to know all of their stories? Or because you just love the sound of their voice? Someone who makes you appreciate your entire life so much more just because they're a part of it? Someone who you feel an intense, deep, pure, BEAUTIFUL connection with, that no matter what you say or do, no matter how hard you try to deny it or make it go away... it won't?

That's her.

Our paths keep crossing, yet every time our paths cross, it's never the right time. But every time our paths cross, no matter what happens always feels so right.

Maybe one day all the planets will align and the timing will be perfect and I'll have my happily ever after. Or maybe not. And I'm okay with that too. Because I've gotten the chance to share something incredible with someone amazing, even if it is only every 5 years.

I should be young and stupid and really good at making bad decisions. But I'm not. I'm young, and have my priorities in order, and know what it feels like to save your heart but live your life. I know what it feels like to only need one person, but not have to depend on them for anything. I know the true meaning of "when you love someone, let them go. If they come back, then it's meant to be", or whatever that corny ass saying is. I can honestly say I am SO strong, and she helped me be this way. I can be so sure of one love, but not have to depend on that love because it's so strong that i'm able to let it be what it is right now, which isn't meant to be.

It's easy for me to let you go for now because I know if and when the time is right, it will be if it's meant to be.

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return